electronic.alchemy :: type inventory
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letterpress > type inventory

type inventory

Created by hww3. Last updated by hww3, 12 years ago. Version #5.


Size Face Foundry
12 Worrell Uncial Skyline
24 Bradley Skyline
12 Bewick Skyline
18 Bewick Skyline
36 Bewick Skyline
20/24 Centaur Caps Dale Guild
12 Cochin Mono U 6
24 Pabst Mono U 6
24 Hadriano Mono U 6
48 Playbill Skyline
8 Cloister O.S. ATF
36 Cloister O.S. Skyline
18 Neuland Skyline
24 Neuland Skyline
18 Trocadero Skyline
24 McMurtrie Title Skyline
48 Romany ATF
42 Bulmer Hill and Dale
18 Heinzemann Monumental
36 Narciss Skyline
18 Cochin Skyline
16 Original Village (Goudy) Dale Guild
72 Engravers Old English ATF


36 Massey Sterling
36 Trenholm Skyline
48 Bradley MS&J
72 Cloister Dale Guild


F-814 Skyline
422 Skyline
367 Skyline
1331A Skyline
Collection 2, 5 Skyline

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